Assessment for better Learning Workshop
In the spirit of creating better learning for students and ensuring they achieve the reliable outcomes, Irfan Rifai attended a workshop prepared by Binus Coorporate Learning Directorate ( BCLD) on Friday, October 24th, 2014. Acting as the speaker for the workshop was Darjat Sudrajat from School of Business Management.
The workshop lasted for more than 4 hours in a relaxing, constructive atmosphere where participants were keen to share d their thoughts on assessment and evaluation issues. Irfan was working at table 5 with Dr. Johannes, A.,A. Rumeser, M.Psi., the dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, PhD and Raymond Godwin, M.Si. Darjat facilitated us to work collaboratively in small groups to discuss few things about developing test materials that are aligned to Course Outline, Learning Outcome, text books and material s delivered in class. It was expected that we would leave the workshop room with fixed ideas on how we would design our mid semester test materials.
BCLD manages all sorts of trainings and workshops in Binus to ensure that all faculty members are being refreshed and developed on continuous basis.
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