For 25 years,  Binus’ English Department has worked collaboratively with partners of various fields through programs such as Global Learning System (GLS), Community Development Activities, Enrichment (Internship) placement for students, Research, and many more. Here are some of them:

Anantarupa Studios: The collaboration with Anantarupa Studios started from an industrial gathering. We then expanded the partnership as Anantarupa Studios opened opportunities for our interns to grow as Lead IP Development. The partnership later leaps toward curriculum and teaching-learning advancement as Anantarupa Studios provides practical insight and hands-on knowledge on creative writing, linguistics, creative industry, and digital transformation.

GOOGLE : Being aware of the close integration of technology and humanities, the English Department conducted a webinar on “Humanities in The Heart of Technology” in collaboration with Google’s Trust and Safety Department.

The webinar unfolded the close connection between open-source intelligence (OSINT) with linguistic and corpus linguistic.

A glimpse of insight into how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and creative writing was elaborated by highlighting the skill of composing keyword-rich phrases and structured composition.

Kawan Lama: The internship has been an opportunity for our students to explore fieldwork experiences under the Enrichment program. From year to year, PT. Kawan Lama Sejahtera (Kawan Lama Sejahtera) has opened a chance for English Department, Binus, to work as an intern. PT Food Beverages Indonesia is part of PT. Kawan Lama group. The company has been supporting our interns to grow as Digital Content Strategist. The collaboration has been expanded toward Guest Lecture sessions, a Global Learning System, and the internship-alternative track.


ACC: ACC  has been very supportive of our interns. It has provided opportunities for our students to grow professionally. In addition to accepting and grooming our interns, ACC has also been involved in our teaching and learning processes through the Global Learning System (GLS) and internship-alternative track.

The Ohio State University: We have collaborated with The Ohio State University in areas like collaborative research and webinar. The collaboration resulted in an academic article that was co-authored by faculty members of the English department, Bina Nusantara University with a faculty member from the Ohio State University. Here is the article: 
AMINEF: American Indonesian Exchange Foundation provides the opportunities and information needed for our students to study abroad. It also involves the head of the English department as one of the panelists for scholarship grant interviews.

IERA: To make sense creative writing process is indeed by making sense of extensive reading. The close connection partners English Department, Bina Nusantara University with Indonesian Extensive Reading Association (IERA). One collaboration is on a webinar on “vERtual Talk #18: Extensive Reading and Learner Autonomy for Pre-Service Teacher” that sheds information on the significance of learner autonomy in extensive reading.


KAJIAN LITERASI BARU: Kajian Literasi Baru adalah kelompok peneliti bidang literasi. Ketua program studi kami merupakan anggota aktif kelompok peneliti ini. Di tahun 2021, Kajian Literasi Baru dipercaya  oleh Kemendikbudristek untuk mengawal pembuatan standar literasi untuk sekolah dasar di level nasional. Berikut adalah link website kajian literasi baru: