
English has been widely accepted as one key element for success. Graduates with eloquence in English and well acquaintance in technology are coveted qualities for further victory in the global competition. With the strenuous ambition to prepare its graduates as key players in professional and academic endeavors, English Study Program at BINUS UNIVERSITY aims to provide best learning experience. Such experience is gained by equipping its students with language and literature studies while cultivating capability of thinking in an analytical, logical and creative manner.

In addition to academic activity, the English Study Program includes small-scale research project. The department also takes an active part in writing articles for the Language and Literature Journal (published twice a year). The research conducted during the English Study Program includes investigation of Language, Literature, Culture, Linguistics, and Teaching.

Each student is prepared to become a person with high integrity and good character. To attain this, the English Study Program is designed to meet the demands of the market and industry for skilled and qualified English graduates. As such, the English Study Program aims to achieve the following objectives.

Catalog 2016 (PDF)Catalog 2017 (PDF), Catalog 2018 (PDF), Catalog 2019 (PDF), Catalog 2020 (PDF), Catalog 2021 (PDF).



A world class English Department for its language, literary, culture, and
multidisciplinary studies for globally competitive graduates equipped with
skills in technology and the ability to produce inspiring creative products
and research.


he mission of English Department is to foster and empower society by :

1. Providing creative, multidisciplinary, and innovative learning and teaching
approaches, as well as enhancing global prudence, creative mindset, and
academic virtues in creating leaders for the global community
2. Widening students’ and faculties’ multidisciplinary perspectives on the
current research in language, literary, and culture and practical
knowledge to create creative works.
3. Preparing students for successful future careers in various academic,
business-related and creative professions, with a focus on analytical
thinking, entrepreneurial, empathy, technology use, innovative and
collaborative mindsets.
4. Catering the needs of society in their pursue for skills and competence in
English, multicultural communication, and professional development.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the program are

After completing the study, graduates are . . .

(POBJ-1) able to critically analyze social problems and provide solutions using expertise in
the fields of language, culture, literature, and cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary

(POBJ- 2) able to apply an in-depth knowledge of language and culture, with specific
reference to Linguistics and Applied Linguistics competence, Literature and
creative expression; as well as cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries,
through active learning, in order to successfully apply their knowledge in daily life
and career

Student Outcomes

After completing the study, graduates are:

  1. Competence in both oral and written English, in the contexts of general communications and academic according to the standard of quality;
  2. Competence in both oral and written English for at least one field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP);
  3. Able to adapt English Speaker culture through performance and written review of literature and culture;
  4. Able to apply concepts of language in oral and written forms through Literary and Cultural analyses;
  5. Able to apply linguistic expertise to adapt English culture into various forms of text in cross disciplines contexts;
  6. Able to communicate in cross-cultural contexts based on politeness strategies, sensitivity and respect for cultural differences, ethics, and applicable values;
  7. Able to translate written documents and interpret oral communications/ interactions from Indonesia to English or vice versa;
  8. Able to apply Information Technology and Communication in language skills, linguistics, literature, culture, society and language innovation;
  9. Able to produce various creative texts by applying the concepts of language, Literature and Culture;
  10. Able to apply the concepts and aspects of learning English and Indonesian as Foreign Languages;
  11. Able to communicate in oral and written according to concepts of language in a cultured-business context;
  12. Able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving.

Prospective Career of the Graduates

With the above-mentioned skills and knowledge, the English graduate is able to follow a career in:

  1. Educational sector (language instructor, education planner)
  2. Translating and interpreting field
  3. Creative and publishing industries (novelist, copywriter, content writer, travel writer)
  4. Civil service and Government Departments (e.g. Department of Foreign Affairs; Post and Telecommunications; Department of Commerce; Department of Finance)
  5. Private sector (Human Resources; Public Relations; Training; Advertising)
  6. Diplomatic service (Cultural; Education; Public Relations)
  7. Self-employment: (Entrepreneur in Language school; translation bureau; and hospitality industry)
  8. Post-graduate studies (S2)
  9. Media and Journalism