A Session with Indonesia’s School Leaders
Faculty of Humanities was honored to have received a visit from a group of School Leaders coming from all over Indonesia on Thursday, July 4th, 2013 to learn more of the Faculty and the departments under it. Comprises of school leaders from Bandung, Manado, Ambon and many other areas in Indonesia, the group seemed enthusiastic on listening to overview made by the Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Mr. Johannes, A.A., Rumeser on the faculty’s dynamics.

The dean’s overview was then followed by descriptions made by head of departments. On the opportunity, the head of English department, Ibu Risa, R., Simanjuntak, shared a range of activities that the department has done , the achievements that the faculty members and the students have achieved and the international guest lecturers who have shared their knowledge here, for the English department. Ibu Risa also enthusiastically shared the vision and the mission of English department in moving forward.

The description session was then followed by a more interactive session in which our distinguished guests came approached the department’s representatives, Ibu Risa and Bapak Abdul Aziz Turhan Karika, who were standing by students’ work and display. It was a really good, warm and informal session. The school leaders were asking a few questions on students’ achievements, the department’s future vision and the opportunities for future collaboration; the kinds of questions that Ibu Risa and Pak Abdul Aziz were more than happy to answer.

The wonderful session was ended with smiles and warm handshakes and of course, us pose together for the camera. Binus University and English department welcome every opportunity of future positive collaboration with schools all over Indonesia. We hope that more school leaders are to visit our department and share more discussions in the future.

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