
About 30 glossary(s).
  • Instapoet

    A poet who uses instagram as their main platform to publish their poems.

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  • Jargon

    A specific language used by a particular group of profession or (academic) fields. When speaking or writing to public, we are often advised not to use jargons to avoid confusions.

  • Kafkaesque

    “Kafkaesque” is an adjective used to describe situations, experiences, or scenarios that are reminiscent of the themes and absurd, surreal, nightmarish atmosphere found in the works of  Franz Kafka.

  • Lyric poem

    A style of poem originally written to be accompanied by musical instruments.

  • Mime

    The performance of a story through movements of the body, without the use of speech.

  • Music

    Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

  • Neologism

    Neologism is new word or phrase that is not yet used regularly by most speakers and writers. How about “spork” ( Spoon + Fork) as an example?

  • Ode

    A lyric poem intended to elevate the person or thing being addressed.

  • Poetry

    Literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.

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