Our Head of Department, Irfan Rifai, Ph.D, along with the Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Elisa C. Marion, and the HIPP of the faculty, Ms. Arthanami Panjaitan, went to Surabaya and Yogyakarta to have a benchmark visit to the UNAIR’s and UKDW’s Digital Humanities Programs on March 3 – March 5, 2025.  In addition to the objective of benchmarking, the trio also had fruitful discussions about the current and the future state of Digital Humanities’ field with respected colleagues from the two universities. Future collaborations between Binus, Jakarta, UNAIR (Universitas Airlangga), Surabaya, and UKDW (Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana), Yogyakarta were also planned in the forms of conference and academic exchnages.

Thank you for the warm welcome and discussions to our DH colleagues in UNIAR and UKDW.