Can research in narratives and sociolinguistics solve climate change issue in Australia 🇦🇺 and Indonesia 🇮🇩? In what ways can they be integrated into BIPA , Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing, courses in both countries?Through the research led by Dr. Udiana Puspa Dewi, and supported by two of our Binusian 2025, Muhammad Jawad  , and Melinda Cahyadi and our colleagues from University of Queensland , we will know the answers to those questions.


We are grateful for the supports of researchandcomdev_binussmg and @binussemarang for the research activities in Kendal, Central Java. Our team of researchers will continue presenting their findings in Australia.

#creativedigitalenglishbinus #binusresearchpoint #binusresearchuntuknusantara