Today’s posthumanism era requires the positive use of technology in solving human problems as it is almost impossible to survive the urban life without technology. This study is based on the design of AI-Assisted Poetry Generator apps called Poe-Life for the purpose of academic advisory activity. Users’ experiences and responses were analyzed to prove the effectiveness of the apps.

The study involved 21 university students from English, Psychology and Computer Science Department. Pretest was given before the poetry reading and writing activity using the application. After reading and writing poetry activity, a post test was given to get the participants’ emotion responses.

The result has shown that 95.24% claimed that they were helped by the technology with only very few (4.76%) felt overtaken or belittled by AI technology in the process of creative poetry writing. There was even none of them saying that AI was not needed. When further asked about their agency, their control, and safe feeling as human, in the face of the responsive tool, the answer was quite balanced. 47.62% claimed that they felt safe or unthreatened by the AI while 38.10% felt unsafe/threatened by the technology, with 14.28% felt unsure.

This concluded that even though almost all were confident that AI-Assisted poetry writing apps was capable of heartening their creative process and emotional expressions with almost half of them felt safe, there were quite a number of them still felt unsafe or unsure whether AI technology would overtake their agency as human beings.

This study has also proven that human and technology can be juxtaposed without the lost control of human agency for the benefits of human beings. Wider participants from diverse departments will be needed to further verify the positive results of human and AI-Assisted apps interaction to successfully facilitate Academic Advisory activity for students with learning problems.

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