Attention everyone! English Department Adaptation Project, mostly known as EDAP is currently seeking a talented and committed actress to play the lead role in their upcoming short film. The short film will be centered around a young Chinese – Indonesian girl in her high-school year. The story will follow her journey of self-discovery; through her feeling of being different from others, the feeling of isolation, and finally, enlightenment. We are looking for a female actress between the ages of 18-25 to play the lead role of “the girl” in our upcoming short film. “The girl” is a character who’s unsure of her identity, she often feels anxiety because of her looks; she feels that she is different from the others – leading her to become delusional about things around her, making negative feelings that slowly drown her.

WE ARE OPEN FROM 6th March – 17th March 2023 THE AUDITION WILL BE HELD ON 18TH March 2023 Requirements: -Female actresses between the ages of 18-25 -Inexperienced actresses are welcomed -Commitment to the project and availability for filming dates -Willingness to work collaboratively with the directors and the filming team -Willing to learn and have time-management skills. Apart from the experience in the filming process as an actress, you would also receive a certificate, and SAT points; additionally, the actress will receive credit in the film and be able to use the finished product for their portfolio.

Link to the Casting registration form: We are excited to see you on the audition day! Thank you for your interest in our project!