On August 6, Beelingua team held another round of brief information sessions for the incoming Binusian 2026. If you missed the session, here is a summary of what the information session was about.

Beelingua is a foreign language learning system that is carried out digitally and independently (self-learning) by students. Digitally, students access English + Japanese / Chinese learning materials through the Beelingua application which can be accessed through the Binusmaya application (Mobile) or the Binusmaya website.

Students’ BUEPT test results at the beginning of the year determine their learning journey. If their BUEPT result is below 437, then they must take route 1, where students will take 8 courses consisting of 4 Basic English Courses and 4 Independent English Courses. Students who have a BUEPT score in the range of 437 -519, so they must take 4 Independent English Courses and 4 Professional English Courses. If students get a score of 520 and above, then they must complete 4 Proficient English Courses + 4 Basic Chinese / Basic Japanese courses.

Students are required to complete Beelingua before enrichment. After completing Beelingua, students will get a certificate of foreign language proficiency according to the level completed. For the English department students, the courses taken at Beelingua will be converted to some regular classes such as Language in Use 1, Language in Use 2, & Essay Writing.

Enjoy the new language learning experience, Binusian 2026!