On February 26-28, the faculty of Humanities team that included Olivia Rambot ( PGSD), Budi Suherman ( Psychology), Elisa C. Marion ( Japanese Literature), and Irfan Rifai ( English Literature) took the train off to Bandung to meet West Java-based school teachers and principals.

Ms. Elisa C. Marion supporting teachers working in group

On the first day of the training, Ms.Olivia and Pak Budi were in charge. They introduced the technology that could be integrated in the class. Participants seemed all excited and participated really well in the hands on activities that Pak Budi and Ms. Olivia offered. On the second day, Ms. Elisa, who happens to be the dean of the faculty, worked hand in hand with our Pak Irfan to share some practical knowledge on strategic management and collaborations. Among the participants were principals and policy makers from regional Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Pak Irfan in action

The workshop is part of the series of workshops that faculty of Humanities have been delivering to teachers and principals of Indonesian schools who have collaboration agreement with schools in Australia. Our partner for the program is Bridge education, which is fully supported by IALF and the Australian embassy. (Ed.)