My experience in South Korea has been an eye opening one, where I could catch a glimpse of what universities are like in other countries. Along the way, I have made plenty of friends and was learning a new language, all while attending classes four days a week. I was also introduced to the unfamiliar grading system that only applied to Korean students, and I observed that in the classes, the professors would prefer their students to be opinionated and speak their mind a lot in class. The classes I took in South Korea are just as challenging as the ones I took in Binus University, and I hope that despite all hardships, this program might help me to boost her GPA in the long run.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to study for one semester in South Korea, as it has expanded my horizons and I hope that more English Department students would be interested in taking the Study Abroad track, as it proved to be beneficial for their world view and their academic well-being.