English Department of Bina Nusantara University collaborates with Indonesia Global Compact Network for 3+1 Internship Program

Bina Nusantara University and IGCN Company have been collaborating for the new 3+1 Community Development program started in September 19th, 2016. This program aims to develop students’ skills not only hard skills but also their soft skills. The picture above was taken when one of the lectures from English Department came to explain about 3+1 program and establish the partnership with IGCN. The meeting that was held at Rajawali Tower mainly discussed about the urgently required jobs at IGCN such as social media and newsletter staff in the communication department. Other than that it is mentioned that IGCN was in the need of translators to translate SDG’s file from English into Bahasa, and that’s where BINUS English Department’s students specializing in translation were assigned to do their internship there.
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