KLAZIK on How to be a Creativepreneur

This Monday (6/15), Payung Teduh music group was presented as a guest star in the show KLAZIK. Located at the Auditorium and Performance Hall Campus B LSPR Jakarta, this event was divided into two sessions. The first session is a talk show with Mondo Gascaro (Musician & Producer), Sartje (Vocalist of White Shoes & The Couples Company) and David Karto (CEO Demajors Label Records).
These speakers provide information about the world of music for youngsters and brought a topic of How to Be a Creativepreneur. There is a discussion about the word indie as a popular word known nowadays in our music industry. They also discussed the difference between indie label and popular label. And not to forget, Sartjie?s story on how she and her band made their steps in their earlier career.
The event, which is also one of a series of LSPR Public Relations Festival 2015, then closed with the music performance by Mondo Gascoro, Adera and Payung Teduh.
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