On January 22, 3rd year English department students were summoned to hear the nuts and bolts of the internship program that Binus  University has . Around 100 enthusiastic students flocked B 202 room in Kijang campus. Speaking to deliver the information were Abdul Aziz Turhan Kariko, the Internship Coordinator of our department and Yi Ying, the faculty of Humanities’ Internationalization and Partnership Coordinator (IPPC) . Sitting among the students were the deputy of English department, Irfan Rifai, and Wiwik Andreani, our Senior Lecturer.

Yi Ying, the IPPC for Faculty of Humanities
Yi Ying, the IPPC for Faculty of Humanities

During the 1.5 -hour  session, Aziz informed about the newly implemented  3+1 program and the running English internship programs. In details, Aziz  explained the philosophy, the advantages, and the process of doing internship. In responding to Aziz explanation, students showed enthusiasm by asking questions related to the prospects and the possibilities of doing internship in various contexts. The kinds of questions suit the second speaker, Yi Ying. In her 30 minute sharing session, Yi Ying unveilled some vacancies for working and doing intern in multinational companies and in some companies or Universities in  China. The information received a warm response from our students who, in a matter of minutes, approached Yi Ying when the session was ended.



Aziz Turhan Kariko, Internship Coordinator
Aziz Turhan Kariko, Internship Coordinator

After the session, English department has received  quite a large  number of  emails from students sending their resumes. Through their emails, most of them stated their preferences for which internship program they would follow and the kind of industry they would love to join.

In English department, we’re making sure that  our students graduate with experience and  global mindsets [irf].