A Great Session with the CEO of Tripvisto Travel
Written by : Devi & Dita Tria Ariesta
On December, 13th 2014, tourism students of English department had a great session with CEO of Tripvisto travel, Mr.Sumartok. He shared about how to build business and also gave tips and tricks to achieve success. It was such an honor for tourism students to share experiences and talk directly to him. This event, moreover, transpired in conjunction with the integration between Introduction to Hospitality and Service Industries Course in English Letters Department Bina Nusantara University and business settings. This programme is mainly aimed to provide students with business insight and incessant endeavours in forming the business itself at the vantage point. The session would not have taken place without the perseverance, resilience, and indulgence of our classmates and Mr.Kristianus Oktriono.
He shared firstly about his experience in business dimension as well as offered advice that it is not easy to be an entrepreneur. The most important thing in business is your determination to survive. Rise and fall in business world is an ordinary thing, so one thing for sure is never give up. Then, he shared about his wonderful job, which is being a CEO. At first, he never thought he will become a CEO of a travel agency because he is graduated from accounting computer major in Bina Nusantara which has no relation with tourism. However, he found his passion in tourism field, and the fact he starts the business from zero depicting how assiduous his determination is in working at tourism sector. It was a pretty hard effort to embark in the business, seize resources efficiently, and emulate the success of other competitors. In fact, Mr.Sumartok has experienced bankruptcy that he only had $50 left in his bank account. Did he give up? No, he kept on struggling and survived that he succeeds to re-build his business. After looking for partners and sponsors, and finally made it, his $50 changed into $100.000. His exertion in business is growing continuously and developing eventually until now.
Our meeting also filled with question & answer session which made the students to feel free asking everything they would like to know more about tourism business ambience. The meeting officially closed with a memorable and motivating quote from Mr.Sumartok which is really inspiring, he said “dream big, do small, start now”. In short, it means nothing is impossible for people who work hard to reach their dream.
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