Attending @America’s 4th Year Anniversary
Irfan and Akun fulfilled an invitation from the American Embassy to attend the 4th year celebration of @America, a cultural center that promotes American cultures and bridges it with Indonesian local cultures, on December 13.

Using the country-side life as its theme, the celebration took place in @America center on the 3rd floor of Pacific Place mall. The Indonesian locals were wearing the western style attires while our American partners were wearing batiks. Quite a contrast yet pleasing- to -the- eye scene.

Opened by his excellency, Ambassador Robert Blake, the celebration was run in a casual state. In his speech, Mr. Robert Blake complemented the people at @America who have worked very hard in the past four years. He also thanked @America’s partners who have worked in hand in hand with @America to have created wonderful events. Mr. Robert Blake then introduced one of his staffs who had the experience of being a cowboy in a rodeo. The man was demonstrating his skills in lassoing and other cowboy – life skills.

Irfan and Akun felt grateful to have had the opportunity of strengthening the bond with the American embassy and @America. Happy 4th anniversary @America and may we have stronger relationship in the future.
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