By Irfan Rifai

Having stumbled upon this article : , I feel intrigued to find whether or not  second language writers writing in their non-native language perform similar types of habits.  So I asked some of our graduates-turning writers and lecturers who have produced a variety of creative writing work like poems, short stories, novels and plays.

Alex Jhon, Novenia  and   Yani Susanti are three of our alumni  who have published their work online and in prints. Each one of them distinguishes themselves in different forms and styles. Alex has been  regular playwright for our annual drama performance  and produced some dark-themed novels that he independently publishes and sells online through his blog:  and Alex has now written 6 novels and a number of plays that have been performed by English department drama club. Kismet, Ardor and Pseudo are his first three novels that marked his existence in the writing world, while  Charlie and Rosalia are two plays that we have produced on stage in 2011 and 2013.

The writers and their work
The writers and their work

Another dark writer who often refers herself as a wolf lady is one of our lecturers at the English department. Her name is Novenia and she has written poems that have been compiled in a book titled Unhidden Realm. The book is promoted  well online and can be ordered through, Amazon, and Gramedia. Barnes and Noble even leaves a special page to promote the book. Here is the  link:

Yani Susanti is the third writer who , in short time, will return to us after completing her study on Creative Writing in London Metropolitan university. Like Alex, Yani has  produced  plays that our students have performed on stage. One of them is titled Papilio Romanzovia. Other than that, Yani has also been a productive poet. Her collection of poems has now been compiled in a book titled Love, Lust Heartbreak and it has been promoted by its publisher online in this link: .

These three prolific second language writers are three out of many of our graduates who follow their passion in writing. On my list, we have some other names who have been as prolific and have made names  as writers in their native languages. A google search on Anggun Prameswari, Risty Nurraisa and Kristy will bring you titles of fictional books that have been written by these creative writers. But since my initial curiosity was on the prolific-ness of  second language writers and their habits while being so, I had better stick to the plan.

> End of Part 1 >