Farewell Dinner with Binusian 2014
How time flies! It was only four years ago that many of us at English department welcomed the looking puzzled, yet excited youngsters wearing black and white uniform. We are so thrilled to witness how these youngsters have transformed into young adults who are ready to embark on professional journey, one that many of them have experienced before graduation day. To celebrate this, our two former HIMSI presidents, Febrianto and Dehan initiated a special Farewell gathering on Saturday, November 26, in a small yet cozy restaurant in Central Park Area.
At least half of the 2014 class and three lecturers, Wiwik, Akun and Irfan joined the festive dinner. We were drowned in the casualty of the atmosphere, chats and group selfies. There was no special program, we just talked and talked while reminiscing the old days and sharing future plans. It was good to hear that many of them have now worked in different industries. Christie shared her work and responsibilities working for an international media- giant, CNN while it was also good to hear that Zeta has just landed a job in a national TV station.
As the night was getting late, it was only a good time to say goodbye to the group that we have been very proud of. We wish our Binusian 2014 all the best for their future life and career. Stay true and stay professional.

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