Alumni Gathering 2014 : Share your stories, extend your network
On Saturday, November 15, the 901 Hall room of Binus Alam Sutera campus was filled with laughter and murmurs of lecturers and English department’s alumni who reminisced their times in Binus. Some 30sh alumni and tens of senior lecturers, combined with HIMSI organizing committee, gathered in the 300 – capacity hall and filled the room with warm, friendly atmosphere. Wiwik Andreani was chiefly in charge for the event and deserves all the credits for making it happen.

Guided by our MCs, Lengky of 2006 and Santi of 1998, the 3.5- hour reunion felt so short. As the start of the program, Dr. Ienneke, Irfan and Wiwik made welcoming speech and shared with the alumni the history, the present and the future of English department. We also had Mariana and Yuli share their experiences and the advantages they have got as English department alumni.

After last year’s Alumni Day, English department team felt that there should be some sort of organization or association that will that will make it even more possible for English to stay regularly in touch with its alumni in order to make our bond stronger. For that reason,then we held a simple – fast election to find the very first president that will help us manage the Association. Alex Jhon received full votes from fellow alumni to take the responsibility of being the president . Congratulations Alex!

The program followed by networking casual sessions, where alumni mingled and shared their stories and professional experiences over dinner.

English department wishes to thank Binus Alumni Center ( BAC) and English Student Association (HIMSI) for helping to organize and manage the success of the event. We hope that our alumni had the most advantage of the program and that our relationship would only get stronger in the future. (Irf)
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