A part of being an English department student is to join one of  the six available clubs : Journalism, Drama, Conversation, Book, Movie, and Traditional Dance Clubs. English Student Association, HIMSI, organized this year’s Clubs Gathering for the new English department students on Saturday, November 7, 2014. Located in Kijang campus, the gathering is meant to introduce new students with the clubs’ programs and future activities.

Some early arrival students looked forward to the opening
Some early arrivals  looked forward to the opening

The clubs did all they could to attract new members. Some conducted  fun games and some came out with performing ideas. After performances and games, the new students were directed to the clubs’ booths . It was time for them to decide which club they wished to join.

Journalism Club booth
Journalism Club booth

Current club members enthusiastically explained the history of the club, the programs of the past and future and the benefits of joining the club. English department expects that by joining the clubs, students will get better exposures in English and that they will improve  both their knowledge and organization skill.

The Clubs

In English department, we believe that learning  should happen naturally  and that it could take place anywhere, in places that we know we can.