DIKTI Research Grant Year 2
Three of our senior lecturers, Dr. Ienneke I. Dewi, M.Hum, Akun, S.Pd.,M.Hum and Dra. Endang Ernawati, M.Lib received another research grant from DIKTI – Higher Education Directorate for the second consecutive year. Dr. Ienneke with her proposal titled Model Pembelajaran TOEFL dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi or TOEFL – Prep class model by using Information Technology was granted Rp 66.520.000 from the government to conduct her research. The same amount of figure is proposed for the next year’s researching activity.

Akun, through his proposal titled Pluralisme dan hibriditas dalam puisi instan: Menakar kadar nasionalisme mahasiswa melalui proses kreatif or Pluralism and Hybrid in instant poems: measuring students’ level of nationalism through creative process, is going to conduct a national-scale research activity involving different universities nation-wide. Endang Ernawati, was awarded a grant on her research on pengembangan sistem deteksi plagiarisme untuk tugas akhir dan karya ilmiah di Universitas Bina Nusantara and will also be granted for further research activity next year.
Go research! Go innovation!
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