On Sunday, July 7th, 2013 Binus University held its first University-wide reunion entitled Alumni Day 2013. All departments and schools at Binus were involved and organized department – level sessions with their own graduates. Binus English department welcomed the opportunity and was more than keen to participate. Led by Farida Irawati, a group of HIMSI members (2nd semester students, mostly), helped arrange a session that both alumni and current students would remember.

The committee members in action
The committee members in action

Alumni Day 2013 was officially opened by the CEO of Bina Nusantara, Ir. Bernard Gunawan, at 9 am at Food Court and was attended by a group of alumni coming from different batches and departments. Alumni of Binus English department joined the ceremony and then moved up to 305 and 307 for a much more intimate sessions with lecturers and fellow students. The committee had prepared facilities for Karaoke, Photo Booth stand, Food stand  and displays of old pictures and achievements of English department since 1999 and programs for everybody to enjoy.

Kartika Rachma, MC of the day
Kartika Rachma, MC of the day

The first program was, as the committee called it as, MEET THE PROS. It is a sharing session that provides  current students an opportunity  to hear from their seniors, stories of their lives after graduation day. Many alumni , unsurprisingly, came out with very interesting, captivating and inspiring  stories.

Johannes shared his experience of finding his passion and job he loves
Johannes shared his experience of finding his passion and job he loves

The sharing session took quite a while as everybody was so eager to share. Second half of the session was then filled by input and feedback from our alumni regarding future improvement of our curriculum. We are very lucky to have such important feedback from the alumni who are now at the neutral positions to examine their past experience of studying at the English department.

The day was not over after the sharing session. Some prolonged their stay at our booth to simply take pictures, shared some past funny stories or just had prolonged little chats with their old friends. Some of the pictures below should speak more of the warmth, reminiscing atmosphere on the day. Our heartfelt thanks goes to the Committee and fellow alumni for their hard work and feedback.

The all girls committee
The all girls committee


Our favorite TV news casters
Our favorite TV news casters


After all these years...finally...
After all these years…finally…


The man to whom we learned literary analysis. Deeply.
The man to whom we learned literary analysis. Deeply.


With our head of department
With our head of department


Class of 2001!
Class of 2001!


Thanks fro the visit friends...stay in touch!
Thanks for the visit friends…stay in touch!