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Short Story
The Astronaut and The Balloon
Dimas Ivan Adhiatma
The Astronaut and The Balloon
BY : Dimas Ivan Adhiatma GENRE : Short Story
Short Story
Wishes Hang Like Stars
Aytkua Sarrah Andaya
Wishes Hang Like Stars
. Short Story
Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
Dr. Shidarta
Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
. Poetry
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Short Story
Siau Ching
BY : Siau Ching GENRE : Short Story
Short Story
The Sand Witch
Claudia Suryadi
The Sand Witch
. Short Story
Short Story
The Great Pretender
Leandra Yohanna Wijaya
The Great Pretender
. Short Story
Editor Choice
Our recommendation
Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
Dr. Shidarta
Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
BY : Dr. Shidarta GENRE : Poetry
Happy Sadtember
Zahra Miftahuljanah
Happy Sadtember
. Poetry
Satan Lost
Muhammad Alif Hidayat
Satan Lost
. Other



A real life reenactment of David and Goliath. A battle which shuts down the modern world. A battle which taught us the insignificance of our differences. A battle of a billion lives and a billion deaths.
WORK BY: Dr. Shidarta
Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
Dr. Shidarta
Happy Sadtember
Zahra Miftahuljanah
Happy Sadtember
It's about the feeling, the moments, and the memory of September. When the spring turns into a heat wave, summer meets a rainy season. The traumatic effect, the dizziness of how the butterfly effect made you wanna sink. Either feeling too much or just too little without caring about the world. The happy yet sad moments in your special month. All in all, blend in the tin jar of honeycomb with the bittersweet taste spreading in your mouth.
Plethora of Silence
Nadia Salsabila
Plethora of Silence
Representing this poem to the people who can't voice their opinion and don't know the purpose of their existence; in the end, silence is always haunting them.
Short Story
Ambition and Desire
Aytkua Sarrah Andaya
Short Story
Ambition and Desire
Ambition and Desire are different things, but is that really true?
Short Story
The Shadow Party
Shafira Chairunnissa Permatasari
Short Story
The Shadow Party
Sandra and Mya was so excited in attending a party over at Kate's place, which they thought that night would be an amazing night full of musics and dancing. However, everything turns out to be out of their expectation when they unexpectedly went through some spooky experiences on the road.



Other: Satan Lost
Milton's Paradise Lost, Dante's Divine Comedy, Yuasa's Devilman: Crybaby: what do these three have in common and not?
WORK BY: Muhammad Alif Hidayat
Satan Lost
Muhammad Alif Hidayat
The Rectified Frenchman: About Michel Houellebecq’s Submission
Muhammad Alif Hidayat
The Rectified Frenchman: About Michel Houellebecq’s Submission
Released on the day of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, Michel Houellebecq's Submission is a polarizing work of contemporary French literature. The book is considered a dark satire that may or may not be Islamophobic in nature. To what extent is this true? And to what extent is Houellebecq /ourguy/?
Indonesia: Killed by Its Own Environment?
Muhammad Ilyan Faris
Indonesia: Killed by Its Own Environment?
Indonesia has an assassin, yet the prevention of the assassination is still on the horizon, environmental awareness in the nation is at an all time high.
Planet Plastic
Ophelia Jap
Planet Plastic
Is the Environment Really Healing?
Geraldo Susanto
Is the Environment Really Healing?
The thing we should be focusing on instead of trying to create new so-called “solutions” is how we can make existing solutions actually come to work to affect the masses and for it to make an actual impact. However, by thinking about this comes another problem—how? It is true that, there is a lot of hypocrisy around the community. People boast about doing X thing even though they still do that said thing, because the environmental factor can once again, be irrelevant. To be frank, we live in an unlucky timeline where some things are hard to justify.



New Year Update
We have the latest update for you, new year is coming!



Muhammad Alif Hidayat
Returning to Indonesia after a year-long living abroad in Japan, Alif found himself a copy of Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. This masterpiece of a tome took him about three months to read from start-to-end. It then further became a catalyst for him to dwell in the world of literature. First as just a reader, now developing himself to be a writer as well. Because, as they say, much of an active reader is a writer at heart. Currently taking a large chunk of inspirations from Japanese literatures as well as his experiences living in Japan, Alif aims to become a writer who will constantly reinvent himself with providing new and enticing reading experiences through each and every pieces he had done and will do.
Nadia Salsabila
As a coping mechanism, writing helps me convey my feelings that I can't express and overcome stress. Just let my mind prattle, my fingers type, and my writing is ready to be read by yours.
Fadhilah Arsy Nugraha
Fadhilah Arsy Nugraha, more known as Fad is a writer who's passionate about connecting to others. He primarily focuses on writing prose (i.e.: short stories and even a novella), but has dabbled on screen and scriptwriting. He derives inspiration from a very wide and niche well of beloved works, from postmodern and surrealist cinema and literature to anime and sci-fi works. However, he never restricts himself to a single genre. Other than writing, he is aspiring to be a voice actor on the side



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