Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
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Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?

David has metamorphosed into a super-simple one hundred nanometers.

Now he has changed his name to Corona.

He traveled all over the world and was accused of spreading the plague.

But,  "I come up with a plan," he reasoned.

He teaches humans many meanings.

Overturning every vision, mission, and work program,

if it's just beautiful on paper and a mere formality.

"I'm a colorless creature," he added.

Interpreting the essence of solitude in the midst of the universe.

Forcing people to no longer be proud of the support of the masses,

if it's just a ploy to satisfy the lust of the world,

"I'm color blind," he screamed.

Spreading awareness and equality between people.

Reconciling the boundaries of race, color, language, and religion,

if it's just an accessory that triggers hatred for others.

David teaches Goliath about all the visible dimensions.

Just like Corona teaches us about the purity of love,

that love doesn't need bloody weapons and swearing,

that love does not require color, and he has chosen to be colorblind.

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Who said David and Goliath's fight was only history?
Dr. Shidarta

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