On Wednesday, June 25, English department held a workshop on “Integrating technology in Language and Literature Classes” with Dr. Eunice Sari of Murdoch University, Australia.

Group Photo session
Group Photo session

The workshop was attended by lecturers of English department, Information System and Chinese Department of Binus university .  As a start, Ibu Eunice brought the discussion toward 21st century learning and the characteristics of  iGen. The topic sparked immediate responses from the participants as most felt that the illustrations made were closely related to the participants’ experiences. In the early part of the workshop, everyone seemed to agree that ” in the 21st century, we don’t  teach English, we teach them how to learn (English), instead”.

A token of Appreciation form English department
A token of Appreciation form English department

From there, the workshop  flowed interactively. Our speaker led the discussion further to TPACK ( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), Teachers’ roles, and tips & tricks in using technology in language and literature classes.

Ibu Ria and Pak Comi in pair
Ibu Ria and Pak Comi during interactive session

The highlight of the workshop was when Bu Eunice asked our lecturers to try out some newly-introduced apps to be integrated in their classes. Some came out with interesting projects. In her closing remark,  Ibu Risa R. Simanjuntak, Head of English Department, convinced all English lecturers to involve more technology in the future.

Mr. Alex Jhon : How if?
Mr. Alex Jhon talked of his ideas

We are grateful for the opportunity of having Dr. Eunice Sari in what had become a fruitful workshop. In English department, we take pride in the spirit of continuous learning and professional development.